Barberry Bonsai for Sale

About Barberry As Shrubs, a Potential Invader, and Bonsai Trees

            Read more on this species and how to identify and train them into bonsai here in my recent article. Briefly, while these make great bonsai due to their small leaves and colorful interest, there is no native barberry in the state of Ohio. Those listed here are Japanese barberry which is not officially listed as invasive in Ohio but they can escape cultivation. The European barberry with a more serrated leaf is known to be invasive here though and should not be propagated or allowed to set seeds.

Ryan's Barberry Bonsai for Sale

            The barberry bonsai and prebonsai options I have for sale are bonsai pictured below are all rescues from landscaping redesigns. These are available for pickup in Columbus, OH at my nursery or you may contact me ( with inquiries. Sometimes I travel to neighboring states so delivery may be a possibility with a 10% non-refundable deposit to hold the tree for you. Suggested prices are listed but feel free to make an offer.

Delivery dates and policy:

I will deliver trees, soil, pots, etc of $50 or more within a 0.5 hour detour from my route. For bigger detours, we can discuss (

Dates and Locations/Routes of travel (all originating from Columbus, OH) for possible delivery and local bonsai shows we can meet at.

Shohin - $40. In training since 2020. Photographed in Fall, 2023.

These barberries were dug in spring 2023 and photographed in fall 2023. In 2024 they have leafed out
vigorously and are ready to start bonsai training! The one on the left is no longer available. The one on the right remains as raw stock but filled in more since this picture (as have they all!). Price $25.

This barberry clump was dug in spring 2023 and photographed in fall 2023. In 2024 it has leafed out
vigorously and is ready to start bonsai training (I already started clip and grow this year)! Price $40.

This barberry was dug in the spring of 2023 and photographed in the fall of 2023. In 2024 it has leafed out vigorously and is ready to start bonsai training(I already started clip and grow this year)! Price $85.

This is the biggest single trunk barberry I've dug yet (so much so that I'm not sure I want to sell it!) It was dug in the spring of 2023 and photographed in the fall of 2023. In 2024 it has leafed out vigorously and is ready to start bonsai training (I already started clip and grow this year)! Price NFS.

I have one more big big barberry clump. It was dug in 2023 as the other recent ones were and is now fully recovered (I already started clip and grow this year). It could be trained either as a clump or in spring it could be separated into multiple pieces. Price $350.

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