Consignment Trees for Sale

            I have some local bonsai friends who are downsizing their collection to focus on fewer trees and family. Bulk deals are available on this page, feel free to contact me to inquire about the below trees or to inquire about my consignment arrangements.

Local Pickup & Upcoming Possible Delivery Dates, Routes, and Policy:

I am based in Columbus, OH where local pickup/delivery is always available. I also occasionally visit neighboring states for bonsai shows or other events. I will deliver trees, soil, pots, etc of $50 or more within a 0.5 hour detour from my route. For bigger detours, we can discuss (

Upcoming Dates and Locations/Routes of travel (all originating from Columbus, OH) for possible delivery and local bonsai shows we can meet at.

KF01 - Elm Bonsai Forest

Roughly a 15 tree (Chinese?) Elm forest. The trees are all 2 years old. Potted up last year and just recently trimmed to promote ramification and provide options for future changes of direction in the trunks since they were getting leggy. (Fall 2024 update) It has since responded to this pruning and is now becoming bushy.

Asking $125 OBO. 

KF02 - Willow

            Roughly a 4-year-old willow prebonsai. It was just recently trimmed to shape as it was allowed to grow tall to thicken the trunk. (Fall 2024 update) It has since responded to this pruning and is now bushy again!

Asking $40 OBO.

KF03 - Yoshino Cherry

            Age 5+ years. It has lots of low branches but they need to be allowed to thicken to become proportional to the trunk. Currently, they are a good size to be wired though. The trunk is an attractive size for shohin potentially. (Fall 2024 update) Some minor branch selection pruning has been done but still some areas have been left long to try to thicken the transition to the upper trunk.

$60 OBO.

KF09 - Chinese Juniper

             This is a raw prebonsai Juniper. A local Ohio person has been keeping it as a bonsai for the past 20 years so it is deceptively old! Once you inspect closely you can see the trunk character which is only achieved through age. It can use some refinement wiring and fertilizing. It was repotted this year. 

$125 OBO.

KF11 - Silver Maple

Grown from seedlings, now fused together at the base. I just pruned the clump today, more backbudding and structure will develop next time. 

$40 OBO.

KF12 - Eastern White Pine

This is a yamadori began as a seedling hitchhiker on another tree that Kevin and I collected around 2020. Since then, the seedling has been allowed to grow freely and has received it's first styling, wiring, and pruning this year. Next year backbudding  will be encouraged to build foliage pads. 

$65 OBO. 

KF13 - Ohio Native White Oak

This tree has been grown from seed since 2018 from an acorn collected here in central Ohio. It has developed a decent trunk (~1 inch diameter) and some branch selection and minor training has started mainly in the past 2 years. The top remains tall as a sacrifice to further trunk thickening. 

$65 OBO.

KR01 - Crabapple

This crabapple has some elegant trunk movement but the branching has more development to go. It is potted in a large blue locally hand-made ceramic. Next steps for this tree would be to wire the branches to more interesting forms and allow it to grow unencumbered to build thickness in the trunk if that is desired, alternatively, begin pruning to produce ramification. 

If sold together, $80 OBO or if the tree is sold alone, then $25 takes it and the pot alone would go for $60.

KR02 - Azalea

This healthy azalea is an imported specimen from Japan. It is potted in a glazed production pot. Next steps for this tree would be to prune any congested areas down to 2 intersecting branches. I haven't done this yet as I will save the cuttings for propagation in the fall if I still have the tree then, or you can do the same to propagate more azaleas for yourself. With diligent pruning, more backbudding can be expected and the design could be compressed and refined to a smaller shohin tree (with foliage closer to the lower areas in the trunk) or this could be put into a bigger pot to develop a bigger trunk.

If sold together, $70 OBO. If sold separately, the pot would be $25 and the tree would be $50.

KR03 - Azalea

This is another healthy azalea also an imported specimen from Japan. It is potted in a glazed production pot. Next steps for this tree would be to prune any congested areas down to 2 intersecting branches. I haven't done this yet as I will save the cuttings for propagation in the fall if I still have the tree then, or you can do the same to propagate more azaleas for yourself. With diligent pruning, more backbudding can be expected and the design could be compressed and refined to a smaller shohin tree or developed as a tall literati style as it has an interesting trunkline. Alternatively, this could be put into a bigger pot to develop a bigger trunk.

If sold together, $75 OBO. If sold separately, the pot would be $25 and the tree would be $55.

KR04 - Dawn Redwood

This Dawn redwood has a nice trunk and some good surface roots beginning to be developed. There are several branches to work with and they could be wired into interesting shapes. Next year pruning will need to be done judiciously to decide where the branches should be reigned in and where they should grow out so the bottom may thicken and the apex may ramify so more proportional thicknesses are developed. Also the very top of the tree there are 2 future styling options. Either the top shoot can thicken to develop a tapered transition from the previous trunk chop or a deadwood feature can be made and a lower shoot can be made into a new apex. Regardless, dawn redwoods grow quickly and can be developed into any number of directions with their flexible material. This is a deciduous connifer so it will be dropping the remainder of its leaves for fall soon.

If sold together, $125 OBO for the tree and pot. If sold separately, $45 for the large production ceramic pot and $85 for the tree.

KR05 - Large Japanese Maple

This Japanese maple is a large trunk and nice root flare but the branching needs development. Next year if I still have this tree I will repot into a larger pot and wire and allow selected branches to grow long and thicken. This will build a platform for future ramification. There is a large trunk chop on the back that is in the process of healing also. Thickening surrounding branches will hasten this. The tree is also potted in a large locally hand-made ceramic pot.

If sold together, $280 OBO for the tree and pot. If sold separately, $150 for the large ceramic pot and $135 for the tree.

KR06 - Shohin Japanese Maple

This Japanese maple has a excellent trunk movement and also needs further development in the branching. It is potted in a good quality ceramic pot that is a bit oversized and should hasten this development. Next year, selected branches should be wired and allowed to elongate and thicken. Remaining unwanted branches should be removed.

Asking $150 OBO. $45 for the pot and $110 for the tree if sold separately.

KR07 - Young Japanese Maple

This Japanese maple is a young tree. It needs time to develop a thicket trunk. A larger pot is advisable for next spring. It is potted in a small ceramic production pot.

Asking $35 OBO as is. $20 for the pot and $20 for the tree if sold separately.

KR08 - Oak

This unknown species of white oak has aged bark already, but much trunk development to go. A larger pot is advisable for next spring to hasten that process for a few years depending on the final goal in terms of trunk size. It is potted in a good quality locally hand-made ceramic.

For the tree and pot together, $60 OBO. For the tree alone, $20 and the pot alone, $45.

KR09 - Weeping Japanese Cherry

This root over rock weeping Japanese Cherry has a bright future ahead. The tree has been planted on the buried rock for 2 years or more now and next spring it would be ready for a repot where the rock and roots can be exposed further. The tree would benefit from more thickening of the trunk relative to its height, so a similarly sized pot or larger would be advised and minimal pruning for a year or two except to prevent problem areas. That said, the tree already has good ramification developing. The tree is planted in a plastic or mica training pot.

Sold as is, $140 OBO.

KR10 - Cotoneaster

This tree recently got a severe prune as it was too tall and rangy for its trunk size. It is now headed down the path of a small shohin tree or even a tiny mame size bonsai once more branches respond to this pruning next spring. It is potted in a good quality local, handmade ceramic.

Asking $60 OBO as is. $20 for the tree and $45 for the pot if sold separately.

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